Sticks and Stonings

Simple Comics for Complex Ideas

Generic Update.

Generic update Read More…

Finally.... The Truth

Finally got around to doing a new series. Just thinking about lying and how we do it all the time. Every day. We never present ourselves to others without fudging the truth. So here it is - The Truth.
Paul E Michael Read More…

Wear a mask or stay the hell away from me

Sick to death of people not wearing masks and being personally coughed and belched on in a shop - by some, mouth-breathing, mask-denying, idiot. I felt inspired to draw the 'six-feet' comic. It went live on twitter yesterday. Feel free to send it to your friends and any mouth-breathing, mask-denying, idiots that you may know….
Paul E Michael Read More…

Another apology

I launched Stick and Stonings in 2019, with a view to normally upload comics twice a week. This allowed me to keep the standard for comedy and artwork low. Unfortunately the Pandemic has put paid to that idea. At the moment, doing my day job means I can only update as and when. Sorry about that….
Paul E Michael Read More…

What even is this mess?

Hello folks. Welcome to the new home of Sticks and Stonings. Sorry, but the usual run of updates has been interrupted while I found someone to sort out this website for me. It will undoubtedly be interrupted by the pandemic, as my day-job takes priority. The archive should be open soon. See you on the other side….. of the pandemic that is, not…. well…. you know….
Paul E Michael Read More…

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